Quick start =========== The simplest way to determine if **Almoststatic** is what you're looking for is to try the sample provided with the source code package and explore the source code. The following tutorial is tested on Linux Ubuntu, but it's easy to port to other platforms such as different Linux distros, Windows, or Mac. You need git and Python 3; install them with: :: $ sudo apt install git python3 $ sudo apt install python3-dev $ sudo apt install python3-pip $ sudo apt install python3-venv The latest Linux releases come with Python 3 already installed. Check if your version is 3.6 or higher: :: $ python3 --version Now clone Almoststatic with git and enter into the directory: :: $ git clone https://gitlab.com/claudio.driussi/almoststatic.git $ cd almoststatic It's common in Python to use ``virtualenv`` for development. To do so and to install Almoststatic, write: :: $ python3 -m venv myvenv $ source myvenv/bin/activate $ pip install almoststatic $ pip install pyftpsync Done! Now you can try the sample, ``cd`` into sample directory and run flaskapp.py: :: $ cd sample/ $ python flaskapp.py A local Flask App instance server is executed, and you can test Almoststatic features. Open your browser and copy-paste the following URL: ```` or ``localhost:5000`` You will be redirected to the static site showing some widgets and features of Almostatic. You can navigate to see some examples. You can always exit from the server by pressing CTRL-C on your terminal. To build the static site, navigate to the ``/write_static`` page and click the "Do it" button, or run: :: $ python write_static.py $ ls -l ../_static_site/ Several ``*.html`` files are created in the ``../_static_site/`` folder, but to get a really working static site, see the configuration at: :doc:`static` If you wish, you can do: :: $ cd ../test $ python as_test.py to run automatic testing. I suggest running it in the debugger to examine how Almoststatic works in simpler cases.