Embedding and including


An Almoststatic page is composed of a list of widgets arranged vertically, with each subsequent widget appearing below the previous one.

However, this structure may not always suffice. There are instances where there is a need to embed a widget within another. For example, in a tabbed or accordion content, you may need to include an image row or some other widget. Additionally, you might want to arrange contents in columns, necessitating the embedding of contents in each column.

Almoststatic utilizes a recursive algorithm that makes it easy to achieve such embedding. For instance, you can embed an accordion within a tabbed:

- type: tabbed
  id: my_tab
    - label: tab1
      text: |
        ## tab 1
        Simple text

    - label: tab2
          - type: accordion
            id: fisa1
              - button: "Card 1"
                text: |
              - button: "Card 2"
                    - type: image_row
                      image: landscape1.jpg
                      text: |
                        my lorem content
              - button: "Card 3"
                text: |

As illustrated, you can have an accordion within a tabbed, and an image_row within the accordion.

Moreover, embedding can be nested at each level, with the nesting limit being determined by the desired result quality.

To achieve this, simply place a content field list into the text field.

Almoststatic offers two other powerful methods for embedding contents into the text. By using the embed and particle commands, you can insert widgets wherever needed.

  - type: text_html
    text: "{{embed(page.txt1)}}"

  - type: text_html
    text: "{{particle('txt2')}}"

  - type: text_html
    text: My embedded content

  - type: text_html
    id: txt2
    text: My particle

The choice between particle and embed is a matter of preference. particle is clean and tidy, while embed can be more powerful.


Everything achievable with embedding can also be done with including.

Nested embedding on long pages might be challenging to maintain and keep organized. For instance, there could be long text that is convenient to keep separated or contents that should be present in multiple pages.

For these reasons, pages can be split into page and inclusion files:

- type: tabbed
  id: my_tab
    - label: tab1
        include: include/page1/mytext.md

    - label: tab2
        include: include/page1/accordion.yaml

    - label: tab3
        include: include/page1/mytext.html

- type: include
  file: include/page1/rest_of_page.yaml

In this example, the page is split into a page and inclusions. The keyword include is placed within the text keyword. Additionally, a special widget called include can be used outside other widgets.

Inclusion files can be stored anywhere within the content folder except the pages folder, which is reserved for URL pages.

Almoststatic recognizes three types of inclusion file extensions: *.html for plain HTML files, *.md for Markdown files, and *.yaml for files with a list of widgets.

As with embeddings, included files can have nested inclusions and embeddings. The only limit is the quality of the result.